
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Philippines: Pier from where General MacArthur left Corregidor Island

On 27th January I got five postcards: one from the Philippines, one from Kyrgyzstan and three from Austria.

The card from the Philippines shows the ruins of the pier from where General Douglas MacArthur left Corregidor Island. Douglas MacArthur became commander of the United States Army Forces in the Far East in 1941, but did not have a good start. In December 1941 his air forces were destroyed and soon after the Japanese began the invasion of the Philippines. In March 1942 MacArthur, his family and his staff left Corregidor Island in PT boats and escaped to Australia, where upon his arrival he famously promised "I shall return" to the Philippines. After more than two years of fighting in the Pacific, he fulfilled that promise. For his defense of the Philippines, MacArthur was awarded the Medal of Honor.

150th birthday of Apolinario Mabini (issued 23-07-2014)

Thank You very much Jobbo!

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