
Friday, February 14, 2020

Portugal: Sagres

Last Saturday I got three postcards: one from Portugal, one from Kyrgyzstan and one from the Czech Republic.

The card from Portugal shows the Chapel of Our Lady of Grace and the Monument to the Discoveries at the Fortress of Sagres. Sagres was a strategically important place over centuries. In the 15th century Prince Henry the Navigator founded the fortress and a nautical school there. As his headquarters for projects of maritime expansion it was an important location of the early Portuguese Age of Discovery. In 2015 the Sagres Promontory got the European Heritage Label.

With a nice stamp:
EUROPA (issued 09-05-2019)
The Portuguese EUROPA stamps are always issued for mainland Portugal, the Azores and Madeira. This is the one for the Azores. The stamp takes part in the Europa Stamps Bird Project, so it can be scanned to listen to the bird. You can see the stamps for mainland Portugal and Madeira here.

Thank You very much Tiago!

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