
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Germany: Dionysus Mosaic in Cologne

Last Monday I got three cards: two from Germany and one from Japan.

One of the cards from Germany shows a wonderful Roman mosaic from Cologne. Cologne, back then known as Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, was one of the most important Roman cities in modern day Germany. It was the capital of Germania Inferior and later Germania Secunda. The shown mosaic was once part of a Roman villa, which was discovered in 1941. As the mosaic could not be moved easily, the Romano-Germanic Museum was designed around it. The museum, which was opened in 1974, also shows other remains from the Roman period including an important glass collection and parts of Constantine the Great's bridge over the Rhine. Currently it is closed for renovation, but parts of the collection can be seen at a different location. This is really a museum I hope to visit one day!

Cuckooflower (issued 18-12-2018)
Emoji (issued 04-04-2019)

Thank You very much Marcel!

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