
Monday, June 15, 2020

My Trip to the Lower Saxony State Museum

When Covid-19 began to impact the life here in Germany, I started to write down some of the events in a little booklet. One of the first things I noted was the closing of some museums I wanted to visit. On 6th May they were finally allowed to reopen again (most however just opened a few days later) and on Whitsunday (31st May) I made my first museum visit after a nearly three-month hiatus. The museum I visited was the Lower Saxony State Museum in Hanover, where I also bought some cards for my collection. Interestingly this is one of these museums which usually has different cards during every new visit. The most interesting cards are the first two. They show exhibits that were shown last year in the big state exhibition "Saxones". Shown first in Hanover and later in Braunschweig, I visited the exhibition at both venues, but when I visited I was not able to get any good postcards. In Braunschweig I only got a card showing a thematic brooch and only later on I also got a card printed for the exhibition. So now I am especially happy to get two thematic cards from Hanover as well. How great it would have actually been to get them after I visited the exhibition and not just one year later! Four other cards I bought show two more archaeological findings and two paintings. A seventh card I bought I sent to myself to get a special postmark, but I am still waiting for it to come back and when it is back I will write a bit more about this museum visit. 

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