
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Germany: Covid-19 in Braunschweig

One Friday I got four postcards: two from Germany, one from Australia and one from China.

The two cards from Germany show two of three posters created by my home town as part of a campaign on Covid-19. I was very surprised to see that the motives of the posters were also printed as postcards. Unfortunately I was so far not able to get the third card.

The first card is about face masks. 

The main reason why I sent these two postcards to myself is the postmark. Like Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom earlier Germany introduced on 1st July advertising postmarks with the message "Together against Corona, Protect yourself and others". This postmark will be used in 73 mail sorting centres for a not yet limited period of time, so actually most mail coming from Germany in the next months will get this postmark. For my collection however I sent these two cards and some for other collectors directly to the regional mail sorting centre to get it. It was the first time that I asked for a postmark that way. The result is surprisingly good. For postage I used the usual definitive about the Cornflower (issued 01-07-2019).

The second card is about hand washing. The remaining third card deals with social distancing. Hopefully I can show it here in the future.

I used the same stamp and postmark on this card.

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