
Monday, August 31, 2020

Germany: St Antony Iron Works in Oberhausen

On 11th August I got my first postcard after my holidays. The mail that arrived between then and today I will show in the next days. Hopefully I will be up to date next week. "Luckily" not much mail arrived in these days anyway.

The first card came from Germany and shows the St Antony Iron Works in Oberhausen. The St Antony Iron Works was founded in 1758, after bog iron had been discovered. It is known as Cradle of the Ruhr Industry, as it was the first iron works which was founded in the Ruhr Area. The furnace was lit for the last time in 1842 and the foundry was closed in 1877. Afterwards the most buildings were destroyed. What survived until today is since 2008 a part of the LVR Industrial Museum.

The normal definitive about the Cornflower (issued 01-07-2019) was used, but the postmark is quite interesting. It got the Covid-19 postmark from the mail sorting centre 46 in Duisburg. For some reason however that one is longer than the other ones I got. Unfortunately I do not know why.

Thank You very much Marcel!

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