
Saturday, October 31, 2020

My World Postcard Day

As all my readers probably know, 1st October was the first World Postcard Day. Although I was very busy at that time due to an internship in Schöppenstedt I still managed to do some mail-themed things on that day.

First of all I for sure sent some cards. As I was in Schöppenstedt anyway, I used the day to send some cards with the local date postmark, but as the postcard selection was not so big, I only sent cards about the Eulenspiegel Museum. The first card shows the museum building, a second card shows some Eulenspiegel illustrations and a third unwritten card shows an Eulenspiegel statue. On both the first and second card I applied a tourist cachet from the museum, on the second card I applied as well cachets from Kneitlingen, where Eulenspiegel was born, and Ampleben, where he was baptised. On the second card I used a matching Eulenspiegel stamp issued in 2011, one of my most favourite stamps of all time. Both cards I sent arrived one day later, on the 2nd October.

Later that day I joined the Postcrossing talk at the Virtual Stampex and also looked around at the show a bit more. To celebrate this special stamp show Guernsey prepared a set of six Post and Go stamps. I preordered this special cover a few days before the show and received it on the 5th October. 

For sure I also sent a card to myself from my local post office, as I was there to buy the new October stamps. However that card travelled for a very long time. Just on the 20th October I found it in my mail box. I wonder where it had for for so long. In the meantime I had already got World Postcard Day cards sent from Austria, Taiwan and Portugal, which I will show in the next days.

So, that was my World Postcard Day. What did you do on this day? Are you already looking forward to the next year?

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