
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Canada: We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

****** Happy New Year! ******

Two weeks ago I would not have believed it, but now I have uploaded (nearly) everything I got in 2020. Today I got the last cards of this year: one from Canada and one from the USA.

The card from Canada shows a Penguin Classics cover of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. We is one of the earliest examples of dystopian science fiction. Written by a Soviet dissident in the early 1920s, the novel describes a World of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. While George Orwell named We as an inspiration for 1984, Aldous Huxley denied the same for Brave New World. This novel is definitely on my reading list. Just this year it was republished with an introduction by Margaret Atwood. The card was sent through official Postcrossing. Normally I do not really like the cards sent officially and rarely sent some this way, but this month for the Cards for Literacy campaign I was surprised by many great cards, which is why I will continue sending officially. 

Three interesting stamps were used. The one in the middle is from a set of Medical Pioneers (issued 10-09-2020). 

Thank You very much Katie!

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