
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Australia: Year of the Ox

On 10th March I got three postcards: one from Australia, one from Austria and one from Italy.

The card from Australia is the official Year of the Ox card of the Australian Post.

The card is prepaid, but...

... was added with one of the three Year of the Ox stamps (issued 08-01-2021) and got cancelled with a nice special postmark from Melbourne's Chinatown, the longest continuous Chinese settlement in the Western World and the oldest Chinatown in the Southern Hemisphere. I really like these stamps. They are embossed and shine if they are held against the light.

Thank You very much Jingdan!

Just in like in Macau I also ordered these stamps directly from Australian Post in mint condition. Also like Macau Australia changed the design of the Chinese New Year stamps, as actually last year a different design was announced for the following years. Unfortunately I do not know why.

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