
Thursday, April 1, 2021

covers from the USA

On 11th March I got four covers from the USA. 

The most special of these is definitely this one with two special postmark about the Presidential Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. What a historic piece of mail! Also I like the stamps used here. The two on the right are from a set of four about Songbirds in Winter (issued 04-08-2016) and show the Golden-crowned Kinglet and the Cedar Waxwing. Next to these there is also a Red Cardinal from the set about Winter Scenes (issued 16-10-2020). 

In the cover was this card of Acoma Pueblo near Albuquerque. Also known as Sky City, this is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited town in the USA.

The postmark on the second cover celebrates the 50th anniversary of USPS. Strangely here only the additional 10c stamp was cancelled and not the two commemoratives. Those two are from a set of sixteen about Vintage Circus Posters (issued 05-05-2014). The left of them is from P.T. Barnum's circus, who most might know due to the movie The Greatest Showman. When I see this stamp, I however more think of Pennywise from the movie It. 

The card in this cover shows Pueblo Bonito, the largest and best-known great house in Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Since 1987 it is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. 

Used on the third cover were two stamps about Kwanzaa (issued 10-10-2018) and Hanukka (issued 16-10-2018). The special postmark honours August Wilson, a playwright known as Theatre's Poet of Black America. It is from his birthplace of Pittsburgh.

The card inside is about Breaking Bad. Never seen it, but now I know that it is set in Albuquerque.

The stamps on the fourth cover are two of five Soda Fountain Favourites (issued 30-06-2016). The postmark here is unfortunately unreadable.

Luckily the postmark was also applied to the postcard in the cover, revealing that it is actually a Covid-19-themed Valentine's Day postmark. The card itself shows a view of Las Cruces, the second-largest city in New Mexico. 

Thank You very much Sam-Quito!

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