
Thursday, June 10, 2021

cover from the USA

On 18th May I got a cover from the USA.

The cover got a postmark about the Pioneer Days in Guymon, Oklahoma. I could not find out what these Pioneer Days are actually about, but it seems like a big festival. Events during this week include a rodeo, a parade, a carnival, a golf tournament and much more. The stamps on the right are about Christmas (from a set of four) (issued 25-10-2007) and the Eastern Tailed Blue (issued 24-09-2016), but the most interesting one is on the left. It was issued on 29th September 1959 and shows Ernst Reuter, the mayor of (West) Berlin during the Berlin Blockade. This stamp is from the series Champions of Liberty, which also honoured such famous persons as Simón Bolívar, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Mahatma Gandhi.

Inside was this fact card about the Gambel's Quail.

Thank You very much Sam-Quito!

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