
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Germany: Technical University of Braunschweig

On 22nd September I got a postcard from Germany.

It shows some views of my university, the Technical University of Braunschweig, which by now I can actually already call my former university or alma mater, as I finished my studies recently. Founded in 1745, this is the oldest technical university in Germany and located in the most research intensive region in Europa. Although I did not study it myself, the university is best known for engineering with a focus on aeronautics and vehicle engineering. I spent five years here, but for some places on this card I do not actually know where they are. I will really miss my time here, especially as my last three semesters were all in distance learning, so I have not been here much since February 2020. 

Of course this card was sent by myself. I sent it not only because I was at the time in the last stage of my master thesis, but also because this stamp about the 50th anniversary of the BAföG was issued on 2nd September, which is a German federal law granting federal students loans to students of universities. A fitting stamp for the card.

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