
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My Trip to Berlin

On 9th October I was in Berlin.

At first I visited the House of the Wannsee Conference. This beautiful villa at the Großer Wannsee was the location for one of the most infamous events in German history. In 1942 Reinhard Heydrich invited various senior government officials here to discuss the "Endlösung". At this point it was for the most part already decided that the Jews of Europa will be murdered, but with this meeting Heydrich wanted to make sure that the different government agencies work together and that he is in the lead of everything. The meeting took little bit more than 90 minutes and not so much is known about what happened in this time, but you easily imagine those criminals sitting together for a short breakfast with a view of the lake and discussing the murder of millions of innocent people. 

The second stop of the day was the Stasi Museum. This is housed in the former seat of the Ministry of State Security of the German Democratic Republic. It looks like a normal office complex, but was more like the heart of darkness in East Germany where preparations were made to spy on and bully the population. The card I bought shows the former office of Erich Mielke, the head of the ministry. 

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