
Monday, December 27, 2021

Germany: Antikolonialdenkmal in Bremen

On 10th December I got a postcard from Germany.

It shows the Antikolonialdenkmal in Bremen. The Antikolonialdenkmal was originally erected in 1931 as main monument to Germany's colonial past, in 1990 however it was rededicated as an anticolonial monument. In the years since then it became a place of active debate over the dark sides of the German imperialism in Africa and Namibia in particular. 

A nice stamp was used here. It is the most recent stamp in the series about Childhood Heroes (issued 02-12-2021) and shows Bibi and Tina. Great to get this stamp on "real" (commercial) mail and not only on the philatelic cards I sent to myself. As the postage will be increased in January, there is just one month to get this stamp properly used without extra stamps. In addition it was cancelled with the Covid-19 postmark from the mail sorting centre 28 in Bremen.

Thank You very much Svenja!

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