
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Souvenirs from the 74th Salon Philatélique d'Automne

After the Salon Philatélique d'Automne had to be cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-19, this philatelic event returned in 2021. Like every time since 2016 William once again sent me some nice souvenirs from the exhibition. The first arrived on 11th November and the last on 22nd November.

On 11th November arrived two very big covers which are nearly too big for my scanner. This first one is from France and beside the Marianne definitives is a stamp about the Birth Centenary of Georges Brassens (issued 25-10-2021), a famous French singer-songwriter and poet. The postmark has a antarctic theme.

In the cover was this sheet of paper with the recent souvenir sheet about Goldorak (issued 11-10-2021) and its First Day Special Postmark. Goldorak or also known as Grendizer is a Japanese manga and anime series which was very popular in France.

The second cover of the day is just as big and was sent through the French Post in Andorra. Also here are many definitives, but also two commemoratives stamps. The left stamp is about the Altarpiece of Santa Creu de Canillo (issued 03-11-2019) and on the right stamp you can see the Estany Esbalçat (issued 21-08-2020). 

In the cover were three sheets of paper with stamps from France, the TAAF and Luxembourg. The French souvenir sheet celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Salon Philatélique d'Automne (issued 04-11-2021), the stamps of the TAAF show various Antarctic animals (issued 04-11-2021) and the Luxembourgian stamp is a personalised stamp about Coco Chanel. 

On 15th November arrived this cover from Switzerland with the two Swiss EUROPA stamps of this year (issued 06-05-2021) and a special postmark of the event.

One day later came this cover from France which was sent after the event and which included a sheet of paper with five different French special postmarks used during the exhibition. I especially like the one about Napoleon. The stamp on the cover, which was sent from the philatelic shop in Boulogne-sur-Mer, commemorates the Birth Bicentenary of author Gustave Flaubert (issued 08-11-2021). 

As I said the last cover came on 22nd October and is from Monaco. For some reason the postmark is dated 19th July 2021, which is the First Day of the used sepac stamp. Maybe due to the postmark the cover was sent in a big outer cover from Monaco by registered mail.

Thank You very much William!

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