
Monday, August 15, 2022

Italy: Monte dei Cappuccini in Turin

On 18th May I got two postcards: one from Italy and one from Germany.

The card from Italy shows the Monte dei Cappuccini in Turin. The Church of Santa Maria al Monte dei Cappuccini is a late-Renaissance-style church on a hill overlooking the River Po. It was built for the Capuchin Order between 1583 and 1656.

The card was postmarked in the philatelic shop in Turin on 9th May, the beginning of the Eurovision week. The stamp shows Vittorio de Sica (issued 27-08-2021), an Italian film director and actor. He was a leading figure in the neorealist movement and especially his movie Bicycle Thieves is considered to be one of the best and most influetial movies in cinema history.

Thank You very much William!

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