
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Some Old Postcards

On 24th May I got some old postcards which I had ordered online.

The first card shows a view of Bad Freienwalde in the Oderbruch. The Oderbruch is a landscape located at the Oder river in eastern Germany on the Polish border. The Prussian king Frederick the Great initiated the drainage of the Oderbruch in order to bring this large tract of marshland under cultivation. The Oderbruch got the European Heritage Label this year. 

On the second card the Bavarian State Library in Munich is shown. The Bavarian State Library is one of Europa's most important universal libraries and ranks among the best research libraries in the World. Moreover its historical stock encompasses one of the most important manuscript collections of the World, the largest collection of incunabula Worldwide, as well as numerous further important special collections. Since 1663 already two copies of every book printed in Bavaria have to be sent to the library.

The next card shows the Burschenschaftsdenkmal in Eisenach. The Burschenschaftsdenkmal is a national monument built between 1897 and 1902. It was erected to honour the students who died during the Franco-Prussian War and also the influence of the student leagues on the German Unification of 1871.

Blankenburg Castle is shown on another card. It dates back to the 12th century and in the 18th century it got its current Baroque shape. The Welf court of Blankenburg was famous for its brilliant festivals and theatrical performances.

Last but not least I also bought these two cards of the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin's Treptower Park. This Soviet War Memorial honours those soldiers who died during the battle of Berlin and was the central war memorial of East Germany. It is part of a triptych which also includes The Motherland Calls in Volgograd. I had visited this memorial some years ago, but was not able to get a postcard back then. 

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