
Friday, October 24, 2014

United Kingdom: For the Fallen

Today I got seven postcards: two from United Kingdom, three from Germany, one from New Zealand and one from Hong Kong.

One of the cards from the United Kingdom shows one of the recent issued stamps about the World War I Centenary. The United Kingdom issues as Australia and New Zealand World War I Centenary stamps in a five-year programme. 
The United Kingdom joined the war on 4th August 2014 alongside Russia and France (Triple Entente) with the declaration of war against the German Empire as the German Empire captured the neutral Belgium whose guarantor power the United Kingdom was. During the war the United Kingdom was one of the main belligerents. The national identities in the dominions, India and Ireland heightened during the war.
The stamp card shows an excerpt from Laurence Binyon's poem "For the Fallen". Laurence Binyon was a senior curator at the British Museum and a published poet. As he was born in 1869 he was too old to enlist for the war. "For the Fallen" was published on 21st September 1914.

With a matching stamp:
Queen's head
World War I Centenary (from set of six) (issued 28-07-2014)

Thank You very much Heather!


For the Fallen

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.

United Kingdom: Greenwich

Today I got seven postcards: two from United Kingdom, three from Germany, one from New Zealand and one from Hong Kong.

One of the cards from the United Kingdom shows images of Greenwich. Greenwich is famous for the Greenwich Meridian and the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Since 1997 is Maritime Greenwich an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Queen's head
EUROPA (from set of six) (issued 21-09-2014)

Thank You very much Federica!

Hong Kong: Ocean Park

Today I got seven postcards: one from Hong Kong, two from the United Kingdom, three from Germany and one from New Zealand.

The card from Hong Kong shows the Ocean Park. The Ocean Park is a marine-themed amusement park and was founded in 1977. In 2012 the Ocean Park got the Applause Award. In 2013 over 7million people visited the Ocean Park.

With nice stamps:
Local Food (two from set of four) (issued 09-10-2014)
It is a joint issue with Malaysia.
with First Day Special Postmark

Thank You very much Joe!

New Zealand: Weta

Today I got seven postcards: one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong, two from the United Kingdom and three from Germany.

The card from New Zealand shows a weta. Weta are a group of insects endemic to New Zealand. The special effects company Weta Workshop was named after the insect. Weta Workshop became famous for making the special effects for movies like Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Endangered Birds-Antipodean Albatross (from set of five) (issued 03-09-2014)
The Albatross shadows disappear when you warm them.
All Blacks (from set of two) (issued 07-05-2014)
Children's Health (from set of three) (issued 03-09-2014)

Thank You very much Sharon!

Germany: St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig

Today I got seven postcards: three from Germany, one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong and two from the United Kingdom.

One of the cards from Germany shows the St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig. Leipzig is the largest city of the German State of Saxony and the eleventh largest of Germany. The St. Nicholas Church is Leipzig's biggest church and played an important role during the Peaceful Revolt in the GDR in 1989. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

With a matching stamp:
20 years Peaceful Revolt in the GDR (issued 08-10-2009)
with a special postmark about the Monday Demonstrations showing also the St. Nicholas Church

In the envelope were also two cards of the interior.

Thank You very much Christina for sending me the cards in a cover!

Germany: Hermannsdenkmal

Today I got seven postcards: three from Germany, one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong and two from the United Kingdom.

One of the cards from Germany shows the Hermannsdenkmal in the Teutoburg Forest. The Hermannsdenkmal remembers the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in which the Cherusci war chief Hermann won against the Roman Varus. It was built between 1838 and 1875 by Ernst von Bandel. Because of the German antipathy against France the sword leads against France. With 54m is was until 1886 the biggest statue in the World.

With matching stamp:
2000 years Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (issued 04-06-2009)

Thank You very much Amelie!

Germany: Beethoven Monument and House

Today I got seven postcards: three from Germany, one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong and two from the United Kingdom.

One of the cards from Germany shows the Beethoven Monument and the Beethoven House in Bonn. The Beethoven House is the place were Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 and is located in the Bonngasse 20. It houses a museum. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

100 years air mail in Germany
with a special postmark about the World Post Day and the 140th founding anniversary of the Universal Postal Union

Thank You very much Marcel for sending me the card in a cover!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Australia: WWI Centenary Maxicard

Today I got four postcards: one from Australia, one from France, one from Germany and one from the USA.

The card from Australia is a maxicard about World War I. The stamp is from a set of five and was issued on 22-04-2014. The set is the first of the five-year programme. The card shows the troops depart and the enthusiasm the soldiers had when they went to war. 
The World War I was the first war in which the Australians fought for their own country and not as colonial soldiers. Australia joint the war alongside the Triple Entente. During the war Australia lost in relation to its population the most soldiers of the Triple Entente.

It is a prepaid card.
On the backside is also the brandmark of the five-year programme.

Thank You very much Krystiina!

USA: Will you supply eyes for the Navy?

Today I got four postcards: one from the USA, one from Australia, one from France and one from Germany.

The card from the USA shows the World War I poster "Will you supply eyes for the Navy?" by Gordon Grant. The poster calls on the people to donate their binoculars and spy-glasses. For every one they got 1$ and if possible they got them back after the war.

The card was sent from the Postcrossing Meet-up in Needham, Massachusetts.
Global Forever Christmas (issued 24-10-2013)

Thank You very much Christa!

Germany: Fagus Factory

Today I got four postcards: one from Germany, one from the USA, one from Australia and one from France.

The card from Germany shows the Fagus Factory in Alfeld. The Fagus Factory was built in 1911 by Walter Gropius and today it still produces shoe lasts. It is a milestone of the modern architecture of Europe and North America. Since 2011 is the Fagus Factory an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

With a matching stamp:
Fagus Factory (issued 02-10-2014)
with First Day Special Postmark

Thank You very much Claas!

France: Eiffel Tower

Today I got four postcards: one from France, one from Germany, one from the USA and one from Australia.

The card from France shows the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 World's Fair held in Paris and was designed and built by Gustav Eiffel. It is 324 metres tall. It has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable structures in the world. Today it is the most visited paid monument in the world.

New Marianne 20g Europe

Thank You very much William!

Germany: Saarland cards in a cover

Today I got not only four postcards but only a cover from Germany.

Lighthouses (from set of two) (issued 03-07-2014)

Inside were two postcards from the German State of Saarland.
One of the cards shows a reproduction of an old postcard showing Lebach. With a computer the trams of the newly opened Saarbahn line Lebach-Jabach were added to the pictures.

The other card shows a poster of the Saarländisches Staatstheater.

It was signed at the first Saarmeeting.

Thank You very much Hanko!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Germany: Lindau

Today I got five postcards: four from Germany and one from Singapore.

One of the cards from Germany shows Lindau in Bavaria. Lindau is a city and island in the Lake Constance and was until 1806 a free imperial city. After World War II Lindau was as only Bavarian city part of the French occupation zone. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

Lindau Messenger (issued 07-08-2014)
It is a joint issue with Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
with a matching special postmark

Thank You very much Eva for sending me the card in a cover!

Germany: Losheim am See

Today I got five postcards: four from Germany and one from Singapore.

One of the cards from Germany shows views of Losheim am See in the German State of Saarland. Near Losheim am See is a famous recreational area.
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

Old Steam Trains (from set of three) (issued 09-08-2012)
with the Germany's latest permanent postmark used at the railway museum of Losheim am See

Thank You very much Hanko for sending me the card in a cover!

Germany: Hanover with German Unity Day postmark

Today I got five postcards: four from Germany and one from Singapore.

One of the cards from Germany shows Hanover.
My mum bought this card for me when she recently went there.

20 years German Reunification (issued 09-09-2010)
with a special postmark of this year's German Unity Day
The German Unity Day is Germany's national day and a national holiday. It is celebrated on 3rd October and commemorates the German Reunification of 1990. The main celebrations are held by the German State presiding the Bundesrat, this year it is Lower Saxony.

Germany: Oktoberfest in Munich

Today I got five postcards: four from Germany and one from Singapore.

One of the cards from Germany shows the Oktoberfest in Munich. The Oktoberfest in Munich is held on the Theresienwiese since 1810 and is today with 6million attendees every year the World's largest funfair. It lasts 16 days. In 2007 7million liter Oktoberfest beer were served.
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

With a matching stamp:
200 years Oktoberfest (issued 09-09-2010)
with a special postmark of this year's Oktoberfest

Thank You very much Marcel for sending me the card in a cover!

Singapore: Chinatown

Today I got five postcards: one from Singapore and four from Germany.

The card from Singapore shows Chinatown in front of the skyscrapers. Chinatown was the original place where Chinese immigrants lived. Today the Chinese are the largest ethnic group in Singapore.

Folktales (whole set) (issued 03-10-2014)
with First Day Special Postmark
Let's Celebrate (from set of five) (issued 26-03-2014)

Thank You very much Jeremy!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur

Today I got four postcards: one from Malaysia and three from France.

The card from Malaysia shows a panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia and also its largest city, a global city and Federal Territory.
Famous buildings on the card are the Petronas Towers and the Kuala Lumpur Tower. The Petronas Towers were built by the Malaysian oil and gas company Petronas and are the highest twin towers in the World. The Kuala Lumpur Tower contains a restaurant and Kuala Lumpur's highest observatory open to the public.

57th anniversary of Malaysia's independence (issued 31-08-2014)

Thank You very much Matthew!

France: Cannes

Today I got four postcards: three from France and one from Malaysia.

One of the cards from France shows Cannes. Cannes is a city on the Côte d'Azur and famous for the annual Cannes Film Festival.

New Marianne 0,01€ and 0,05€
The 1950s-fashion (from set of six) (issued 23-06-2014)

Thank You very much William!

France: Nice

Today I got four postcards: three from France and one from Malaysia.

One of the cards from France shows Nice. Nice is a city on the Côte d'Azur. In the 18th century Nice became a popular winter residence for the British upper class and the picturesque surrounding also attracted many famous painters. Today is Nice France's fifth-largest city.

EDIT: Nice, Winter Resort Town of the Riviera was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in July 2021.

The 1950s-cinema (from set of six) (issued 23-06-2014)

Thank You very much William!

France: Cagnes-sur-Mer

Today I got four postcards: three from France and one from Malaysia.

One of the cards from France shows Le Haut-de-Cagnes in Cagnes-sur-Mer in the department Alpes-Maritimes. Le Haut-de-Cagnes is the old town of Cagnes-sur-Mer and is located on a hill. A famous building in Le Haut-de-Cagnes is the Château-Musée Grimaldi. It is a castle built by an ancestor of the Monaco's princely family. Today it houses a museum about olive culture and about paintings from the collection of Suzy Solidor.

The 1950s-recreation (from set of six) (issued 23-06-2014)

Thank You very much William!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Monaco: Saint Nicholas Cathedral

Today I got seven postcards: my first three cards from Monaco, two from Italy and two from the Vatican.

One of the cards from Monaco shows the Saint Nicholas Cathedral. Many of the Grimaldis were buried in there and Albert and Charlene married there.

EUROPA 2013 (issued 10-05-2013)
EUROPA 2014 (issued 07-05-2014)

Thank You very much William!

Monaco: Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince

Today I got seven postcards: my first three cards from Monaco, two from Italy and two from the Vatican.

One of the cards from Monaco shows the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince. The Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince is the Infantry division of Monaco and was formed in 1817. It is responsible for the protection of the Sovereign and the Prince's Palace.

With many nice stamps:

Thank You very much William!