
Friday, October 24, 2014

Germany: St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig

Today I got seven postcards: three from Germany, one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong and two from the United Kingdom.

One of the cards from Germany shows the St. Nicholas Church in Leipzig. Leipzig is the largest city of the German State of Saxony and the eleventh largest of Germany. The St. Nicholas Church is Leipzig's biggest church and played an important role during the Peaceful Revolt in the GDR in 1989. 
I got this card a few weeks ago in an envelope.

With a matching stamp:
20 years Peaceful Revolt in the GDR (issued 08-10-2009)
with a special postmark about the Monday Demonstrations showing also the St. Nicholas Church

In the envelope were also two cards of the interior.

Thank You very much Christina for sending me the cards in a cover!

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