
Friday, October 24, 2014

New Zealand: Weta

Today I got seven postcards: one from New Zealand, one from Hong Kong, two from the United Kingdom and three from Germany.

The card from New Zealand shows a weta. Weta are a group of insects endemic to New Zealand. The special effects company Weta Workshop was named after the insect. Weta Workshop became famous for making the special effects for movies like Chronicles of Narnia, King Kong, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Endangered Birds-Antipodean Albatross (from set of five) (issued 03-09-2014)
The Albatross shadows disappear when you warm them.
All Blacks (from set of two) (issued 07-05-2014)
Children's Health (from set of three) (issued 03-09-2014)

Thank You very much Sharon!

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