
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Germany: Postcrossing


Exactly ten years ago a man from Portugal started a project which now joined more than 400000 members. His great idea and now the slogan of the project "Send a postcard and receive a postcard back from a random person somewhere in the world!". The millionth postcard was registered in 2008 and last month a member registered the 30millionth postcard. But how does it work? It is very easy. All you need to join the project is an address (and basic knowledge of the English language as the website is mainly in this language). Then you have to ask for an address of another member, which you use to send her/him a postcard. When your card arrives, the other member will register it, using the number you have written on the card, and you will get a postcard from a completely different person in the World. You want to become a postcrosser and to receive postcards? Then join the community on!

To celebrate Postcrossing the Deutsche Post issued a special prepaid postcard with a special postmark, which I bought today at the post office.
In Germany there are more than 40000 members, which already sent more than 4million postcards making Germany the country with the most sent postcards.

Hopefully there will be another ten years of postcard exchange!

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