
Friday, February 19, 2016

Germany: Erfurt Synagogue

On Monday I got three postcards: one from Germany, one from Brazil and one from Taiwan.

The card from Germany shows the Erfurt Synagogue. The Erfurt Synagogue was completed in 1094 and is thus the oldest preserved synagogue in Europe. It was the centre of the Jewish community in Erfurt. In the 13th century a Mikveh was built for the synagogue, which was just rediscovered in 2007. After a devastating pogrom in 1349 the Erfurt Synagogue was used as warehouse and later as restaurant. In 1998 the Erfurt Treasure, one of the most extensive and best-preserved treasures of the European Middle Ages, was found near the synagogue and since 2009 it is shown in the synagogue. The Old Synagogue and Mikveh in Erfurt seek for the inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Update: Since 2023 is the Jewish-Medieval Heritage of Erfurt on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The card was sent from the Postcrossing Meet-up in Erfurt.
25 years 112 as emergency telephone number in Europe (issued 11-02-2016)

Thank You very much Thomas!

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