
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Indonesia: Orangutan

On Monday I got six postcards: one from Indonesia, one from Sweden, one from Germany, one from the Netherlands and two from the USA.

The card from Indonesia shows an Orangutan with a baby at the Bukit Lawang Reserve on Sumatra. The Orangutan is an arboreal great ape with reddish-brown hair. It is considered to be one of the most intelligent primates and is near related to the human. Once it was native to big parts of Asia, but today there are only populations on Borneo and Sumatra. The Sumatran Orangutan is critically endangered due to deforestation and illegal hunting. In Bukit Lawang there is a sanctuary for Orangutans.

With matching stamps:
Year of the Monkey (whole set) (issued 24-01-2016)
with First Day Special Postmark

Thank You very much Shinta!

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