
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Finland: World War I poster from the Espoo Museum of Modern Art

Yesterday I got six postcards: one from Finland, one from Portugal, one from Germany, one from Norway, one from Mexico and my first card from Kazakhstan.

The card from Finland shows a World War I poster from the collection of the Espoo Museum of Modern Art. The Espoo Museum of Modern Art opened in 2006. It is the largest museum in Finland. 
At the beginning of World War I was Finland a part of the Russian Empire, but the region was not much affected by the war. Some members of the Finnish Jäger troops fought in the German army to provoke a Russian defeat, while other Finns volunteered for fighting in the Russian army. Beginning in late 1916 there were supply shortfalls also in Finland. In December 1917, after the Russian Revolution, Finland declared its independence from Russia.

Ice Crystal (issued 22-01-2016)
The stamp glimmers.

Thank You very much Nina!

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