
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Portugal: Azulejos

Yesterday I got six postcards: one from Portugal, one from Germany, one from Norway, one from Mexico, my first card from Kazakhstan and one from Finland.

The card from Portugal shows a house in Lisbon decorated with Azulejos. Azulejos are painted tin-glazed ceramic tileworks. They are an important aspect of Portuguese architecture.

Extreme Sports (from set of five) (issued 31-03-2016)

Thank You very much July!

Hello July,
I got your nice card, but unfortunately do not know how to contact you. So if you read this please post a comment or send me an e-mail. ^__^

1 comment:

  1. I was browsing about Azulejos and I found your blog which is quite interesting. I do hope it's okay with you if I pin them on my Pinterest board. Thanks for sharing!
