
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Burkina Faso: Ruins of Loropéni

On Friday I got two postcards: one from Burkina Faso and one from Canada.

The card from Burkina Faso shows the Ruins of Loropéni. The Ruins of Loropéni are an archaeological site in southern Burkina Faso. It includes an array of stone walls dating back at least thousand years. The settlement prospered especially between the 14th and 17th century from the trans-Saharan gold trade, but much mystery still surrounds the site and large parts still have to be excavated. In 2009 the Ruins of Loropéni became Burkina Faso's first UNESCO World Heritage Site.

With a matching stamp:
Traditional Wrestling (from set of four) (issued 17-03-2008)
Tourism - Gnassogoni Troglodyte Village (issued 17-12-2016)
Loropéni Ruins (from set of three) (issued 04-12-2009)

Thank You very much Mike for arranging this card for me!

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