
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Germany: Baron Munchhausen

Last Saturday I got two postcards: one from Germany and one from the USA.

The card from Germany shows Hieronymus Carl Friedrich Freiherr von Münchhausen, the World famous Baron of the Lies. As I already said, recently a stamp about his 300th birthday was issued by the German Post on 7th May 2020. As I unfortunately was not able to get a matching card, I printed this one myself. If you want to know more about the Baron head over to my history blog, I just published a post about him there.

I sent this card to myself with the matching stamp and a special postmark from Bodenwerder. It was quite a back and forth with this postmark. When it was announced at first, it was said that the actual event was cancelled, but that the postmark will be available from the postmarking centre. Two weeks later it was completely cancelled, just to be changed a bit and finally to be used even during a small event.

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