
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

USA: Minnesota

Last Saturday I got two postcards: one from the USA and one from Germany.

The card from the USA shows a map of Minnesota. The last time I got a card from Minnesota I already wrote that it is a centre of Scandinavian American and German American culture and that its capital is Saint Paul, while the largest city is Minneapolis. On this card now you can see that these two cities are not so far away from each other. Very interesting is also the city name New Ulm. In recent days Minneapolis is often in the news and I am sure you know why, especially as that is the first theme in two months that actually rivals Covid-19 in importance. 

Used for postage were three nice and not so common stamps. I especially like the left stamp and although it was just issued last year, I can not remember to have seen it before. It celebrates the Bicentenary of Alabama Statehood (issued 23-02-2019). The stamp in the middle is from a set of ten about Wild Orchids issued on 21st February 2020. This one shows a Greater Purple Fringed Bog Orchid. Interestingly the photographer of these stamps, Jim Fowler from South Carolina, is actually a stamp collector. The stamp on the right finally shows Pears (issued 23-03-2017).

Thank You very much Tristan!

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