
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Star Wars Droids - Sheet and Covers

My favourite stamp issue of this year so far comes from the USA. On 4th May an impressive sheet of Star Wars Droids stamps was issued, which includes twenty stamps of ten different droids. These Droids range from the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy to the anthology movies and the TV shows. As soon as it was possible I ordered this sheet online and got it delivered directly to me on 22nd May. I do not want to get into the details of these stamps, as I try to get all of them on postcards as well, but look at this beauty!

Some of the stamps I already got on cards (see last post and stay tuned!), but all of them I already got on covers. These ten covers were all sent with Star Wars postmarks from different cities. It is interesting to see how different these covers are handled.

The first two covers arrived on 17th May. BB-8 here was cancelled with the special postmark and the additional stamp on the left was cancelled with a normal red postmark. A machine cancellation was applied as well. 

The card in the cover shows the Four Corners Monument, where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet. It is the only place in the USA where four states meet each other.

D-0 on the second cover only is faintly touched by the special postmark from Anthony and the stamp on the left remained uncancelled.

I really love the card in this cover. It shows a photo of a family vacation at the World's most famous UFO landing place.

This cover was sent in a bigger cover and the cover that was used to mail the cover to Anthony was included in the big cover as well. Interestingly a Global Forever stamp was added to the actually prepaid big cover, which got also cancelled with the Star Wars postmark.

The next four covers arrived one day later on 18th May. On this one again the additional stamp remained uncancelled, but R2-D2 got a proper cancellation.

New Mexico - Land of Enchantment? This view looks like this is true.

The card was taken out of the cover, a stamp of D-0 was affixed and got cancelled with the special postmark. This is a very cool service. I have never seen it before.

The next cover comes from Alamogordo. Here the additional stamp got cancelled and C-3PO is also nicely cancelled.

The card inside shows a view of the most famous road in the USA and maybe even the World, Route 66.

Roswell cancelled Chopper well, but President Harding is untouched. In Roswell they surely know how to deal with an alien roboter!

This card shows another view of Route 66. This car looks like it was already there, when the road was established in 1926.

The 2-1B Droid from Animas is also well cancelled. The additional stamp is also cancelled and a machine postmark can be seen as well, but it is upside down.

More Route 66 here, it gets more modern again.

On 19th May L3-37 arrived with special postmark and machine cancellation. Benjamin Franklin is uncancelled.

Albuquerque is shown on this card. It is the largest city in New Mexico and was also located on the historic Route 66.

The Gonk Droid also arrived on 19th May. This is a bit of an overkill: special postmark, two machine cancellations and the stroke of a pen. The Droid thus got three cancellations, the American Kestrel only the pen.

The card in this cover shows Oatman, the town of the free roaming Burros.

After the Pentecost weekend IG-11 arrived on 25th May. Here the additional stamp got cancelled, Albuquerque however uses blue colour. Also look at the other nice stamps. On all ten covers is a complete set about Comic Strip Classics (issued 01-10-1995). Just like the Droids this is another nice addition for my collection of Childhood Heroes on Stamps, although I only know Popeye.

Route 66 might be the most famous road in the World, but this is probably the most used tourism phrase in the World. Although it is more suitable for a t-shirt. A postcard is never lousy!

The first nine arrived quickly, but number ten was in no hurry. K-2SO just made it to Germany on Monday, 14th June, nearly a month after the first cover. Probably Taylor, Arizona got the most postmark requests. The postmark is already a bit faint and Andrew Jackson is uncancelled as well. 

The last card brings us back to Route 66 once again.

Thank You very much for all these great covers Sam-Quito!

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