
Thursday, June 10, 2021

USA: Devils Tower

On 22nd May I got a postcard from the USA.

The card shows an impressive night view of the Devils Tower in Wyoming. Devils Tower is a butte, an isolated hill with steep sides and a small, relatively flat top. The place appears in the legends of multiple Native Americans tribes and became the first US National Monument in 1906. Featured in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the fame of the Devils Tower rose and nowadays it is popular with climbers.

I love the stamps used here and they perfectly match the brilliant night sky on the card and its Science Fiction connection. On the left is a stamp about Skylab (issued 14-05-1974), the first US space station, and on the right are two of the ten new Star Wars Droids stamps (issued 04-05-2021). This is so far my favourite stamp set of 2021. Used here are the stamps about D-0 and BB-8, both introduced in the sequel trilogy. BB-8 first appeared in The Force Awakens as an BB astromech droid owned by Poe Dameron. Later working together with Rey, he became a hero of the Resistance and one of the most popular characters of the sequel trilogy. D-0 on the other hand was once owned by a Sith assassin and was just introduced in The Last Jedi, the last movie of the sequel trilogy, where he however quickly befriended the Resistance heroes and BB-8 in particular. While these two are the first of these stamps I show you here, they are not the first I received. On the same day as this card I also got my ordered mint sheet of them and a few covers with these I also got before this card. Those I will show you in my next post.

Thank You very much Patrick!

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