
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sun Science, TV Early Memories and UNESCO in Mexico

Well, once again I am three months behind with uploading my mail. I hope to get back on track at least a bit, but I do not think it will happen soon. After finishing my studies last year, I have moved and started a job that keeps me busy, so I have basically stopped everything connected to postcards and stamps. But to post at least once (or hopefully a bit more soon) this month after a hiatus since January, let's look at this set of five covers from the USA. The first four arrived on the last two days of 2021 and the last took until the 12th January. Two complete stamp sets are used here and they all got hand cancelled. The first is the brilliant set called Sun Science (issued 18-06-2021). These stamps were created in cooperation with NASA and show images of the sun from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, a spacecraft launched in February 2010 to keep a constant watch on the sun from geosynchronous orbit above Earth. They are printed with a foil treatment to make them glimmer. A wonderful stamp set to look at! The other set is called TV Early Memories (issued 11-08-2009) and shows some of the most famous TV shows of all time. Many of these still have a big impact on popular culture although they first screened decades ago. 

In the covers was this complete set of cards with of Mexico's UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Yes, you read right, ALL of them. Just by looking at them you can get an impression about what a diverse country Mexico is. You can see cultural remnants of multiple centuries as well as striking nature. 

Thank You very much Sam-Quito!

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