
Saturday, May 21, 2022

German Stamps of January 2022 on Covers

On 19th January I got four covers from Germany on which I had used the first German stamps of 2022 issued on 3rd January, what now already feels like it was ages ago.

The first stamp shows Otto Braun for his 150th birthday. Braun was a German Social Democratic politician who served as Prime Minister of Prussia in the 1920s and until 1932. He turned Prussia into a stronghold of democracy in the Weimar Republic and due to that was forced until exile when the Nazis took power. I really like the design of this stamp using the image from an old election poster.

The next stamp shows David Bowie on the occasion of his 75th birthday. A good reason for a stamp, right? I do not really know much about Bowie's oeuvre, but in January I watched the 1986 film Labyrinth and liked it very much. 

Another birthday is honoured on this stamp, the 200th birthday of Heinrich Schliemann, the man best known for discovering Troy.

After three men also a woman's birthday was honoured with a stamp, the 225th birthday of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. She was a famous German authoress.

The cover looks a bit damaged, because it was used to ship this little book: a Reclam version of Droste-Hülshoff's Die Judenbuche with stamp and postmark affixed on the front side. A unique item maybe.

On the same day arrived also these two prepaid covers issued on the same day as the stamps. They are about two 20th anniversaries, the death anniversary of Astrid Lindgren and the introduction of the Euro.

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