
Thursday, August 11, 2022

China: Solar System and Mars Mission

On 31st March I got two postcards: one from China and one from Germany.

The card from China shows an illustration of the Solar System. 

Used on the right is a stamp I had been looking for for a while. It celebrates the Launching of the Tianwen-1 Mission to Mars (issued 26-09-2020). Tianwen-1 is China's second Mars probe and consists of an orbiter, two deployable cameras, lander, remote camera and a rover. Its scientific objectives include the investigation of Martian surface geology and internal structure, the search for indications of current and past presence of water and the characterization of the space environment and the atmosphere of Mars. With this mission China became the third country to achieve a soft landing on the Mars and the second country to deploy a rover. The mission was one of three Mars missions launched in July 2020 following the United Arab Emirates and preceding the USA. The United Nations Postal Administration recently issued a set showing those three Mars Missions. You can see it here on my stamp blog. The stamp in the middle is from a set of five about Innovation in Science and Technology (issued 24-11-2021) and shows the Deep-sea Manned Submersible Fendouzhe. The third stamp was issued in conjunction with the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China, but I could not find more information about it.

Thank You very much Ruinan!

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