
Thursday, August 11, 2022

Germany: Museum Kurhaus Kleve

On 31st March I got two postcards: one from Germany and one from China.

The card from Germany shows the Museum Kurhaus Kleve. Kleve was between 1742 and 1914 a popular spa town for rich people from the Netherlands and Prussia. In the middle of the 19th century the kurhaus was built and named after the Prussian King Frederik William IV. After World War I the spa business was not able to tie on its former glory, hence the facilities decayed. Between 1959 and 1964 the building was used by Joseph Beuys, as the owner could not find a buyer, and since 1997 it is used the show the local collection of art.

A flower definitive and a variable value stamp were used here.

Thank You very much Marcel!

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