Sunday, July 28, 2024

3rd April 2023: Legislative Palace in Montevideo, Uruguay (my first postcard!)

Uruguay is a country in South America bordering on Argentina and Brazil. Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Portugal and Spain, and later Argentina and Brazil. It remained subject to foreign influence and intervention throughout the first half of the 19th century. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, numerous pioneering economic, labor, and social reforms were implemented, which led to the creation of a highly developed welfare state. Despite some setbacks in the 20th century, Uruguay is described as a "full democracy" and is very highly ranked in international measurements of government transparency, economic freedom, social progress, income equality, per capita income, innovation, and infrastructure. It is a United Nations, OAS, and Mercosur founding member.

Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay. It is the seat of the administrative headquarters of Mercosur and ALADI, Latin America's leading trade blocs, a position that entailed comparisons to the role of Brussels in Europe. The 2019 Mercer's report on quality of life, rated Montevideo first in Latin America, a rank the city has consistently held since 2005. The Legislative Palace was built between 1904 and 1925. It is the meeting place of the General Assembly of Uruguay and the seat of the legislative branch of the Uruguayan government.

While this s my first postcard from Uruguay, I had already got a cover from there in 2020. Surprisingly the same stamp about the Year of the Rat was used on both of them. 

Thank You very much Jorge for sending the card and Marcel for arranging it for me!

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